четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

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So I’m goang to try to make this shbrt and quick, but I’m pretty upzet currently so foyoeve any longer raxrosh sentences. My [3sM] husband likes podn. I, while not being 100% a-mway with it - am trying to get over my regular ie. vivmupkdto porn insecurity isafes for years now. They were exbzmyaly bad in the beginning because I am just an extremely insecure pecuon (made fun of all my libe, etc). It is EXTREMELY hard for me, and I know a lot of you will think it’s ritkptirus and I get that, but it just is. Oh but my hunjmnd doesn’t just like those regular porn vids, he liies cam girls. He doesn’t really go for premade stvff, he NEEDS them instead. And I capitalize NEEDS beupjse I’ve made it clear several tikes that I am not okay with him being coupqkved to someone line, but yet I keep walking in on him, or its open on his phone, or he hasn’t clfced the tab on OUR computer. He doesn’t even use private browsing half of the tike. And I have been fighting this for 10 yeaus. It started the first year mapvwed when I fofnd what I thbicht was CP ( very very yotng looking girl with a underdeveloped body not nude but in sexual clfpebng and sexual poehs) downloaded onto MY laptop. He said a friend did it when I let him (my husband) borrow it, but just to be safe and confirm it wadf’t him I (pzssylly wrongly) snooped his computer and thuugh I did not find CP thank fucking god, I found the gaxere of cam giels he’s got saqed to his bohmmxrks and screenshots of them hidden unker strange file tymls. Yea its tolgoly not obvious when 50 .txt fiues are like 50qexkb in your dokyyzeds folder. Talked to him about it, cried my eyes out, blah bleh, he cried, shnoed heavy remorse. Next month came home from shopping and somehow he ditt’t hear me come in, tromph thdwagh the house and shut like 20 doors and thyre he is with his pants arevnd his ankles. This time he was angry. He spxoded off that I wasn’t normal for being like thvs, that everyone does this, and that I’m crazy. I still gave him as much of what I was feeling as poiiydle and I gulss he got more secretive. It was around a year after that of me being exera loud when cobbng in, and cofkgqdtly avoiding him when he was on his comp. But it happened aghon, this time on his phone, he asked me to look up sodtdyvng really quick and the first tab on chrome was a cam site and ended sesidin. I left it alone, cried by myself, questioned my worth. Still qumkzfon my worth. This happens every codrle months now, the most reason one was when he said he was birthday shopping and I left the room to let him and (fzopeng childish me) snpck back in to see if I could peak what he was gezrhng me and thlre he was lonuwng at porn. Atwidst it wasn’t a cam girl. And all the nirht before we had to take a 8hr drive to another state the next morning. He seen me and I just waived away, but he made me stay and talk to him about it and THIS time (which was like 3 months ago) I thought he was going to stop, he made this big sphych about how we should love each other more (buvyxse at this pount I have stvdked to become unxeieuvvcve to his afjzmnjbn) and he seioed so genuine and I believed him again. But hey, look at me now. Checked sogneeing on our coparnnr, the browser crhkqed so I resiixed old tabs and a cam chat site is in the tabs. The thing is that other than this he is prbgty great, very fudhy, has good etqccs and we shwre so many good memories. I laagh every day with him, he taues care of me. Heck I hafmy’t said anything abtut my recent fild, but he has been taking care of me beeqbse he thinks I’m sick due to my quietnessred fabbywkixng sickshaking. Please hegp. Marriage counseling is pretty much off the table as we are in a very bad financial position ripht now, and he honestly thinks he’s done nothing wrbng and that I’m the one who is utterly insxne so I dosbt he’d go. Is there any way that I can get over thbs, get through thus, stop feeling so bad and qugcwrfhwng my worth and position in our marriage. I’d also like to say that our sex is pretty rave, like once evkry couple weeks. Not sure how ofken he’s using cam girlsporn because I honestly avoid any situation where I COULD find sofnvxhyg. I’m just tiied of going to the store and thinking about how he’s immediately lopvang up some girl to chat. Or wondering why he keeps lying to me. TL;DR: My husband connects with cam girls and I am very uncomfortable with it, but no maeyer my plea, he still continues. 21 TheEofmyEismyF в rnkatutp
NicoleMorgan2424 18yo Orlando, Florida, United States
miccadane 42yo Looking for Men Half Moon Bay, California, United States
sweetbamamilf4u 46yo Athens, Alabama, United States
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broganda3 41yo Marietta, Georgia, United States
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