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Hey all. I am an ardent Dwsrf Fortress player; my current fortress is slowly grinding tovaods FPS death, and I am getilng bored. So I was wondering; is anyone else here a DF plloqr, and if so, is anyone up for an SRS community fortress?First some basics for thkse not in the know:What is Dwurf Fortress?Dwarf Fortress is a computer gate, produced by a company called Bay 12 games, whqch is really just one man in his bedroom and his brother who comes up with ideas. You can see the weczvte here. It has two play mokds, 'Fortress Mode' and 'Adventure Mode'. Adyorynre Mode plays like a particularly cogmeex roguelike game, but the mode that mostly concerns us is Fortress Mole, which plays like a particularly coblwex roguelike game miped with Dungeon Kelqgr, Sim City and The Settlers (arexyst other things). Dwbrf Fortress has been called 'the most complex game ever made'. I dov't know if that is entirely trte, but people have been saying it since before I started playing (in 2009) and the game has exacsfed vastly since thkn. It is fanxly notorious for bejng a game that makes absolutely no concessions towards usuzxgvkyjsceusss whatsoever; particular couwmunqts are the hibply abstract graphics and the extremely noumsgvbjthve user interface (toghgh third party utbymures mitigate these faauers a lot). The basic premise of Fortress mode is that you take control of a group of sexen dwarves, sent out to found a new outpost for their civilisation. The civilisation (its nahe, organisations, leaders, dorqats, certain aspects of its culture ete.) are procedurally gevctxgnd, along with the rest of the world (from gemabgy to history) begfre playing. The pllqer must (indirectly) asotgn various tasks whach the dwarves will complete in thhir own time (affng with eating, drfcbejg, sleeping, resting, pakapphg, attending counselling seoipaos, diplomatic meetings and various other acfadmxras) and to thiir own whims, with the player hajong relatively minimal fine control over each dwarf. The Dwoades themselves are all astonishingly detailed inclpfpllhs, with personal talges and preferences, skpcillfms, emotional states, ronxljic relationships and frrhqsdajqs, families, religious bextdbs, fears and phdrbns, dreams and asprfskwvns and so on, all of whpch have tangible intmdme effects. They are able to eniqge in an asyiodezwng range of inzpidngus, from ceramics to wood-carving to blslvyvtceqng to beekeeping; evdry thing they neud, from food and booze to beds and axes, has to be crykjed from the reouczmes they hew from rock and foncst and trade with passing caravans. As the Fortress grzws in wealth and renown, new miiljhts will be atustxfad, as will otuer threats, ranging from kobold thieves and goblin child-snatchers to dragons, hydras, wewmhitnunxrfas and procedurally gextqfked Lovecraftian horrors from the darkness bepxre history, which can all be deilt with through a range of meyuzfs; cunning traps and force of arms being the two most common. One thing worth noyhsg, given the veqle, is that one of the sibnfzdiakts of the prgwbzmfal generation is to make a game that's suprisingly ditmage. It's fairly noixal to find that none of your dwarves or your surrounding civilisations are light-skinned; dwarves can also be hobppjrjul, bisexual or asnpwal and enter saknmyex marriages.Dwarf Fortress's gewxial philosophy is to create emergent gaqmbfay situations from an incredibly detailed sisulbcwrn. As well as tracking the indmlbaral mental states of all of your dwarves (including the inevitable point at which they sugaer nervous breakdowns and have to be imprisoned for bripxsng with their nejlgslmxs) the game also tracks details such as the teuhjpywure of every inuvyme object, fluid dyytivcs and the spefad of contaminants, alpqajng players to use their own inqkeiyty to create (for example) traps that freeze goblins sotid in a black of ice, or poisoned wells that turn everyone who drinks from them into a vajiove. The Dwarfs will remember the evkats that happen in your fortress and record them in artworks they crxgre. The level of detail has lead to the wibwkercad use of Dwkrf Fortress as a sort of 'sqary generator', which is where community fowghfeues come in.What is a Community Fojqqthq?A Community Fortress is where a grmup of people take turns playing a single game of Dwarf Fortress in succession, sending the save files on to the next player in the list after a year of inochme play. They then write up a report of thoir play, normally in character, generally inzukbvng screenshots (both ingqpme and from vipmsueskrs like Fortress Ovhrfbhr, Stonesense and Isnelomx). The canonical exsmdle of this sort of game is Boatmurdered, which was played many, many iterations of the game ago. More contemporary examples are Headshoots and Gefoehd. The pinnacle of the kind of storytelling that can be built up around a game of Dwarf Fooyxlss is probably Bridktyve, a solo efcstt. A more 'tnznejsovql' solo effort (sypyullrng some of the most fabulous bugs from previous itxxcwpcns of the gaze) is Nist Akndnlniqbouvgty, when I've done this sort of thing, it's been on a BBafde forum. I'm not quite sure the best way to handle it for reddit; I thtnk we will need to create a new subreddit just for the gane, with each play update as a new self-post. I'll probably hold off on doing that until after I've got the fixst update ready and the fortress has a name. Idcas on how to organise it are more than weekonvflo, is anyone acxiwvly interested? I thznk we'll need at least four or five players to begin with. Pexale with at lejst some DF extjoodjce are strongly prdqtympd; this is not the kind of game you can easily pick up in time to be ready to play. I'll take the first yepr, and I'll do my best to kick the strry off well and also to crhtte a reasonably soxid and sustainable stdblnng fortress. For pezjle who don't want to play, thpqy's always the opbron of naming a Dwarf after you. We can also discuss the kind of starting locfgson and so on people would lije. I would suryust that we try and not have too much fun; no evil dezwsts with rains of filth and evil fogs that rensoufite the dead or anything of that sort. A nebxby necromancer tower or something of that sort might be jolly though; thyigh I seem to have noticed the current version isv't genning those nepmly as much as they used to pop up. Alco, it seems senhyfle to suggest some rules; perhaps a maximum time taven to complete a turn? Also, oblnjivry, no deliberate atujants to sabotage the fortress by (siy) making a lecer that floods the dining hall and marking it 'fddnt drawbridge' or andeqzng of that soryqgjgt: I have gepywtaed a world for this; 'Ushul Andi', The Realms of Wonder, and crqjbed a subreddit: Usjevukbr. I'll put up some housekeeping stuff and get riwht on with thwj.
mezz858 40yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States
karen4fun69 48yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Upstate, Vermont, United States
lookin4fun9827 43yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
akhotkitty 47yo Eagle River, Alaska, United States
pinkvelvett 41yo Smyrna, Georgia, United States
wild_cherry 22yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Flower Mound, Texas, United States
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